Before First Use

Thank you for choosing Essteele, the most beautiful cookware that money can buy. We want to help you get the most out of your new cookware so you have a lifetime of cooking pleasure.

  1. Before first use, remove all the labels and wash the cookware thoroughly. Use mild dishwashing detergent and warm water and make sure you dry the cookware thoroughly before storing or using. It is recommended that paper towel is placed between cookware, especially if your cookware has a nonstick surface, which may assist in preventing scratches during storage. 
  2. Remember to register your product  before you throw out the packaging so that you can record your barcode. All our cardboard packaging is made using 100% recycled paper, so please dispose of your packaging thoughtfully once your product is registered with us.
  3. Decide what amazing dish you are going to cook with your new Essteele cookware